HSM 260 Week 8 CheckPoint Collaborative Fundraising Activity

November 17, 2014



HSM 260 Week 8 CheckPoint Collaborative Fundraising Activity

Search for more tutorials here – http://entire-courses.com/hsm-260-week-8-checkpoint-collaborative-fund—raising-activity/

HSM 260 Week 8 CheckPoint Collaborative Fundraising Activity

In this file of HSM 260 Week 8 CheckPoint Collaborative Fund-raising Activity you will find the next information:

Checkpoint: Collaborative Fund-Raising Activity
Consider the following scenario in your assigned discussion group: Phoenix Homeless Agency (PHA) needs funds to continue providing job counseling to qualifying recipients.
Discuss with your assigned group how nontraditional sources of funding might be used to solve the funding problem for the PHA. Be creative.
Determine the strategies from your discussion group that you feel solves the funding needs for PHA the best.
Write a 200- to 300-word summary detailing the three fund-raising strategics you employ.
Post your final draft as a Microsoft

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